WHATS UP BEAUTIFUL PEOPLE! Here is our COVID-19 Update. I am officially back open as of May 14th, 2020. Please keep in mind that I am in a suite. What does that mean? It is only you and myself in the safe space. I will require everyone who enters for the first 60 days after opening, to wear a mask. Why? Because those of you know me, KNOW I’m grossed out by everything lol. It’s a blessing and a curse. I’m what you would call a hypochondriac. So with that being said, please respectfully wear your mask. I personally bought mine from @shawnie8732 . She makes them for $10 for 1 or $8 for 2 or more. So if you’re sly try ing to be stylish like myself, I’d hit her up! Anyway, please also note, that I will be taking EVERY precaution possible to keep all of you who enter my suite, safe! Before and after each and everyone of you, I will be disinfecting and sanitizing. Appointments will be spread out so no one has any run-ins with each other and so that I can clean. I will however ask that of you are sick…DO NOT COME…(said with love) ♥️ I can’t wait to see all of you beautiful humans again. Soon fam!.